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 1.  Six-Man Mechanics
Communication with other members of the crew is essential. The smooth conduct of the game is dependent to a large extent upon how well the  officiating crew works together on the field. This booklet provides an extensive review of each official's position and proper conduct during the game.
 Booklet  PIAA ----------- Download File

 2. Seven-Man Mechanics
 There are certain mechanics which become essential for officials to observe during the conduct of the game. This booklet explores all aspects of officiating with a 7-man crew.
PIAA  Download File
3. One-Hundred Helpful Hints
 Signaling, consistency, preparation, judgment, interpersonal relationships, attention to detail -- just some of the particular hints for improving your officiating skills.
 Handout  ECAC Download File
4. The Scrimmage Kick
 This graphic focuses on the special rules and techniques of the scrimmage kick. It is often said that "anything that can go wrong will go wrong" during a kick. Review the fair catch, momentum, and first touching rules.
 Graphic Wne Chapter
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5. The Free Kick
 Review the rules and techniques unique to the free kick. Included on this graphic are the special circumstances surrounding touchbacks, blocking, momentum, first touching, and more.
 Graphic Wne Chapter
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6. Observer's Evaluation Form
PIAA officials are periodically evaluated by their peers to ensure consistent application of NHSFA Rules and local mechanics.  This document may be downloaded and printed to use throughout the season to assess (1) Pre-game and appearance (2) mechanics (3) positioning (4) rules application (5) communication (6) team box/sideline management and (7)  difficulty of the game.
Download File

7. Special Mechanics

The top 7 newest mechanics for high school officials. Look here at the beginning of each football season for the latest updates rules as well as six and seven-man mechanics.

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CLICK to View Videos


Aloha Official Clinic

This first video concentrates on the mechanics of the Back Judge and Field Judge then examines a number of plays at all positions on the field. An excellent first video for everyone regardless of position and especially good as an orientation to the new season.

Aloha Official Clinic: the Kicking Game

This second video reviews free kicks and scrimmage kicks from the perspective of all field positions. The mechanics they demonstrate and the advice they offer will be of benefit to every official.

Aloha Official Clinic: Various Mechanics

This third video examines three important skills that affects every official on the field. The video begins with a look at catch-no catch examples. Next, it covers down by contact (excellent for the wing officials). And, finally, it discusses both 5 and 7-man mechanics.

Aloha Official Clinic: Holding and Block in the Back

This fourth video concentrates on the mechanics of blocking and what to look for from an official's perspective. From this discussion, the video moves to blocks in the back and how to position yourself to avoiding mistaking side blocks with a real BIB.

Aloha Official Clinic: Offensive and Defensive Pass Interference

This fifth video illustrates many of the common offensive and defensive pass interference scenarios and again discusses how to position yourself for the best chance of calling this common (and often game-impacting) penalty correctly.




Lightning Facts 


A short presentation on the Keys to Making Safe Calls when confronted with Lightning on the field.

NFHS Football Rules Changes (Abridged)

A concise review of the key rules changes for this upcoming football season from Charles "Buss" Carr, the PIAA Statewide Football Rules Interpreter.

NFHS Football Rules Changes (Expanded)

A comprehensive, detailed, illustrative presentation of the NFHS rules changes for 2006. If you have more time, this presentation offers a complete view of the new rules.

Goal Lines and End Zone Calls

Specific review of individual responsibilities during these important play situations. Presentation provided by Charles "Buss" Carr, the PIAA Statewide Football Rules Interpreter.

PIAA Football Concerns

A series of slides that depict the major areas of concern that have surfaced from the last few seasons of PIAA football. An excellent presentation that includes proper uniform wear, the "sportsmanship" message,  disqualifications, signals, and more.

Chapter President Larry Tomei
Assigning Secretary Keith Urich
Webmaster Scott Whipkey

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